ElGamal Implementation Tutorial

In this document, we show how to use the Cryptimeleon Craco and Cryptimeleon Math library to implement an example scheme, the Elgamal encryption scheme [Elg85]. Compared to the other tutorials, we also aim to showcase the class structure for a full implementation (as opposed to “just” a toy implementation).

First, let’s review how ElGamal encryption works:

\(\operatorname{Setup}\): The public parameters for this scheme consist of (1) a cyclic group \(G\) of prime order \(p\), and (2) a random generator \(g\leftarrow G\setminus\{1\}\).


  1. Choose a random secret key \(sk \leftarrow \{0, 1, \dots, p-1\}\).
  2. Compute the corresponding public key \(pk = g^{sk}\)

\(\operatorname{Encryption}(pk, m)\):

  1. Choose a random exponent \(r \leftarrow\{0, 1, \dots, p-1\}\).
  2. The ciphertext is \(c = (c_1, c_2) = (g^r, {pk}^r\cdot m)\).

\(\operatorname{Decryption}(sk, c=(c_1, c_2))\):

  1. Decryption computes \(m = c_2 \cdot c_1^{-sk}\).

Decryption works because \(c_1^{-sk} = (g^r)^{-sk} = (g^{sk})^{-r} = (pk)^{-r}\) cancels out the \(pk^r\) term in \(c_2\).

Basic implementation of ElGamal

The operations outlined above can be quite directly transferred into Cryptimeleon.

public class ElGamalEncryptionScheme {
    protected Group group;
    protected GroupElement g;

    public ElGamalEncryptionScheme(Group group) {
        this.group = group;
        this.g = group.getUniformlyRandomNonNeutral();

    public Zn.ZnElement generateSecretKey() {
        return group.getUniformlyRandomExponent();

    public GroupElement computePublicKey(Zn.ZnElement secretKey) {
        return g.pow(secretKey);

    public GroupElementVector encrypt(GroupElement plaintext, GroupElement publicKey) {
        var r = group.getUniformlyRandomExponent();
        return Vector.of(g.pow(r), publicKey.pow(r).op(plaintext));

    public GroupElement decrypt(GroupElementVector ciphertext, Zn.ZnElement secretKey) {
        return ciphertext.get(0).pow(secretKey.neg()).op(ciphertext.get(1));

The whole scheme can then be tested as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Group group = new Secp256k1();
    var scheme = new ElGamalEncryptionScheme(group);
    var secretKey = scheme.generateSecretKey();
    var publicKey = scheme.computePublicKey(secretKey);
    var plaintext = group.getUniformlyRandomElement();
    var ciphertext = scheme.encrypt(plaintext, publicKey);
    var plaintextRestored = scheme.decrypt(ciphertext, secretKey);
    if (plaintextRestored.equals(plaintext))
        System.out.println("Correctly decrypted plaintext "+plaintext);

Implementing the Scheme fully with data classes and interfaces

Even though the implementation above can be considered complete, you may want to properly encapsulate the artifacts (keys, ciphertexts, etc.) into corresponding data classes. For a simple construction such as ElGamal, this is a somewhat useless exercise. However, for larger constructions with more complicated key structures, this step makes a lot of sense. For this reason, we showcase this step here.

To follow along, check out our Java demo project and create a new class ElGamalEncryptionScheme as outlined above.

To represent the different parts of the scheme, we start off by creating some classes.

The ElgamalEncryptionScheme class houses the different algorithms that are part of the scheme such as encryption and key generation. Let’s have it implement the existing AsymmetricEncryptionScheme interface contained in the Craco library:

public class ElgamalEncryptionScheme implements AsymmetricEncryptionScheme {

This interface – together with EncryptionScheme – contains the methods required for an asymmetric encryption scheme already: generateKeyPair(), encrypt() and decrypt(), as well as some methods for working with representations, more on those later.

Next, lets create classses for the secret and public key, ElgamalSecretKey and ElgamalPublicKey, implementing the DecryptionKey and EncryptionKey interfaces included in Craco, respectively.

// ElgamalSecretKey.java
public class ElgamalSecretKey implements DecryptionKey {

// ElgamalPublicKey.java
public class ElgamalPublicKey implements EncryptionKey {

Lastly, some classes for the ciphertext and plaintext/message:

// ElgamalPlainText.java
public class ElgamalPlainText implements PlainText {

// ElgamalCipherText.java
public class ElgamalCipherText implements CipherText {

The plaintext is a group element, so lets add that to the class.

public class ElgamalPlainText implements PlainText {
    private GroupElement plaintext; // GroupElement class contained in the math library
    public ElGamalPlainText(GroupElement plaintext) {
        this.plaintext = plaintext;
    public GroupElement getPlaintext() {
        return plaintext;

The ciphertext consists of two group elements, \(c_1\) and \(c_2\):

// ElgamalCipherText.java
public class ElgamalCipherText implements CipherText {
    private GroupElement c1;
    private GroupElement c2;

    public ElgamalCipherText(GroupElement c1, GroupElement c2) {
        this.c1 = c1;
        this.c2 = c2;
    public GroupElement getC1() { return c1; }
    public GroupElement getC2() { return c2; }

Next, the public key, which consists of the group \(G\), the public group element \(h = g^a\), and the generator \(g\):

public class ElgamalPublicKey implements EncryptionKey {
    private Group groupG;
    private GroupElement g;
    private GroupElement h;

    // Insert constructor and getters here.

(We leave out constructor and getters for succinctness.)

The secret key consists of the public key and the secret exponent \(a\):

public class ElgamalSecretKey implements DecryptionKey {
    private ZnElement a;
    private ElgamalPublicKey publicKey;

    // Insert constructor and getters here.

With these classes, we can start to implement the algorithms in the ElgamalEncryption class. Its constructor takes in the group to use:

public class ElgamalEncryptionScheme implements AsymmetricEncryptionScheme {
    private Group groupG; // Cyclic group with prime order q
    public ElgamalEncryption(Group groupG) { this.groupG = groupG; }

Key generation may then look like this:

// ElgamalEncryptionScheme class
public KeyPair generateKeyPair() {
    Zn zn = new Zn(groupG.size()); // Zn = {0, 1, ..., groupG.size()-1}
    // Choose secret exponent a
    ZnElement a = zn.getUniformlyRandomElement()
    // Get a generator of the group, by prime order all non-neutral elements are generators
    GroupElement generator = groupG.getUniformlyRandomNonNeutral().compute();
    // Compute h = g^a, 
    GroupElement h = generator.pow(a).compute();
    // Create secret key
    ElgamalSecretKey secretKey = new ElgamalSecretKey(groupG, generator, a, g);
    // Get public key from secret key
    ElgamalPublicKey publicKey = secretKey.getPublicKey();

    return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey);

As you can see, we make use of a number of different classes provided by the Math library such as Group, GroupElement, or Zn who provide many typical methods such as group operations or efficient exponentiation, meaning we only have to concern ourselves with the scheme itself.

Encryption is next:

// ElgamalEncryptionScheme class
public CipherText encrypt(PlainText plainText, EncryptionKey publicKey) {
    if (!(publicKey instanceof ElgamalPublicKey))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified public key is not an Elgamal key.");
    if (!(plainText instanceof ElgamalPlainText))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified plaintext is not an Elgamal key.");

    GroupElement groupElementPlaintext = ((ElgamalPlainText) plainText).getPlaintext();
    GroupElement g = ((ElgamalPublicKey) publicKey).getG();
    GroupElement h = ((ElgamalPublicKey) publicKey).getH();

    Zn zn = new Zn(groupG.size());
    ZnElement r = zn.getUniformlyRandomElement();

    //c1 = g^r
    GroupElement c1 = g.pow(random);

    //c2 = h^r * plaintext
    GroupElement c2 = h.pow(random).op(groupElementPlaintext);

    return new ElgamalCipherText(c1.compute(), c2.compute());

There are a number of type checks and type casts in this method. This is because the EncryptionScheme interface we implement by implementing AsymmetricEncryptionScheme does not know about our specific classes, instead it uses the general PlainText, CipherText, and EncryptionKey classes.

Decryption works similarly:

// ElgamalEncryptionScheme class
public PlainText decrypt(CipherText cipherText, DecryptionKey privateKey) {
    if (!(cipherText instanceof ElgamalCipherText))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified ciphertext is invalid.");
    if (!(privateKey instanceof ElgamalPrivateKey))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified private key is invalid.");

    ElgamalCipherText cpCipherText = (ElgamalCipherText) cipherText;
    ZnElement a = ((ElgamalPrivateKey) privateKey).getA();
    GroupElement u = cpCipherText.getC1().pow(a);
    GroupElement m = u.inv().op(cpCipherText.getC2()); // m = c_2 * c_1^a
    return new ElgamalPlainText(m.compute());


You might have noticed that the EncryptionScheme requires more than just the methods implemented so far. These methods, e.g. restorePlainText() all take a Representation object as argument. Representations act as an intermediate format between the actual object and java serialization. Once you have created a representation of an object, you can use one of the converter classes to serialize it to, for example, JSON or binary.

The restorePlainText() takes a representation of a plaintext and should return the corresponding plaintext. The other methods work similarly. Before we can implement these, however, we need to add representation support to the Elgamal classes created earlier.

We don’t give a detailed walkthrough for that here, the representations documentation should allow you to implement it on your own for the four classes that require it: ElgamalPublicKey, ElgamalSecretKey, ElgamalPlainText, and ElgamalCipherText.

For ElgamalCipherText, it may look as follows:

public class ElgamalCipherText implements CipherText {
    @Represented(restorer = "G")
    private GroupElement c1;

    @Represented(restorer = "G")
    private GroupElement c2;

    public ElgamalCipherText(Representation representation, Group group) {
        new ReprUtil(this).register(group, "G"), deserialize(repr);

    public Representation getRepresentation() {
        return ReprUtil.serialize(this);

    // other methods we added previously

With this, implementing e.g. the aforementioned restoreCipherText method is simple:

// ElgamalEncryptionScheme class
public ElgamalCipherText restoreCipherText(Representation repr) {
    return new ElgamalCipherText(repr, groupG);

Now, only one thing is missing: The ElgamalEncryptionScheme class implements AsymmetricEncryptionScheme which indirectly extends the StandaloneRepresentable interface. So we need to add a constructor taking a Representation object and instantiates a ElgamalEncryptionScheme object with the correct group (more on StandaloneRepresentable in the representations documentation.

Thankfully, this is easy:

public class ElgamalEncryptionScheme implements AsymmetricEncryptionScheme {
    private Group groupG;

    public ElgamalEncryptionScheme(Representation repr) {
        new ReprUtil(this).deserialize(repr);

    public Representation getRepresentation() {
        return ReprUtil.serialize(this);

    // other methods we added previously

The Group class is itself a StandaloneRepresentable, so we just delegate the representation to it.

The only thing missing now is implementing equals() and hashCode() methods. We sketch our usual approach:

public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
    // Now convert "other" to the right type and check attribute equality via "Objects.equals()"

public int hashCode() {
    // Use "Objects.hash()" for simplicity

Using Objects.equals() and Objects.hash() is the easiest way to do this. The class check if-condition in the equals() method (instead of an instanceof) is important since it ensures symmetry of the equals relation in case you ever implement a subclass.


[Elg85] T. Elgamal, “A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 469-472, July 1985.